QPSI in Slave Mode MODM7AE70

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QPSI in Slave Mode MODM7AE70

Post by johnvan »

Apologies if this is a simple question but I've been using QSPI on the MODM7AE70 for some years but the device was always a Master which generated the clock etc. I now have a new design where I'd like to use QSPI (or any SPI on the MODM7AE70) but it needs to act as a Slave. What I'm looking for is this:

1. Basic 16 bit transfers between the Master MODM7AE70 and the Slave MODM7AE70.
2. Master generates the clock.
3. My slave unit will "see" a select from the Master (not generated by the QSPI) and so my slave already has a logic signal to enable it.
4. I want to pre-load the outgoing TX register on the slave with data which is automatically clocked out when the Master clocks in new data.
5. Ideally receiving a new 16 bit transmission will trigger an interrupt on the Slave.

The code examples seem to be centered around the unit being a Master and originating the transmissions. I just need to tell the Slave SPI (or QSPI) what to expect for word-size, endian and polarity.

My Master uses P2.43 for TX, P2.45 for Clock and P2.47 for RX. Is it really something simple as using the same pins on the Slave and changing their I/O designation? Something tells me life is just not that simple...
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