NetBurner Developer Training in Las Vegas

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NetBurner Developer Training in Las Vegas

Post by Forrest »

NetBurner is pleased to announce a developer training session to be held in Las Vegas on April 3 + April 4. This session will include two hands on training sessions covering Cloud Services and our new Wifi hardware. Additional topics will voted on by participants and covered in additional sessions throughout the day.

For more information on the session and how to register, please visit the NetBurner's Developer Training page at

As for additional topics to be voted on by participants, we have compiled a list of ideas.

1. RTOS Fundamentals
2. Deploying a finished product
3. Device Security
5. How to implement custom network packet handling
6. Writing custom peripheral drivers
7. Parallel bus interfacing
8. Ways to implement persistent storage through power loss situations
9. Interfacing with 3rd party web APIs
10. Open Discussion

Have any more great idea's or questions concerning anything listed above? Let's hear it.
Forrest Stanley
Project Engineer
NetBurner, Inc

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Re: NetBurner Developer Training in Las Vegas

Post by seulater »

I hope you have plans on setting up a camera to record the classroom events for those who cannot make it.
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Re: NetBurner Developer Training in Las Vegas

Post by sblair »

I'd like to thank Paul, Dan, and Forrest for a couple great days of sessions and answering my endless questions. It was great finally getting to meet everyone in person. I definitely got far more out of attending than what I was expecting going into it. If you missed attending this time I'd highly recommend attending the next time they hold the Developer Training.

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