Updating netburner accross the internet

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Updating netburner accross the internet

Post by BillC »

Hi, can anyone point me in the correct direction for how to update a netburner board across the internet, so far i have only done this on a local lan.

I cant seem to get the update to specify an external address. I have set up the board remote IP address up in the Project sheet, I have ensured that port 20034 is open on the remote netburner modem/router and that NAT is set to point to the board, and I can FTP OK into the board..

Thanks in advance, Bill
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Re: Updating netburner accross the internet

Post by seulater »

first you need to include this in your start up.

StartTcpUpdate( MAIN_PRIO - 3 ); //Use only if UDP update fails

Then in C:\nburn\pcbin\ there is a file named TcpUpdate.exe

Use that to update your board via internet. Though i forgot what port it uses, look in the manuals for that.
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Re: Updating netburner accross the internet

Post by BillC »

Thanks for your prompt reply.

I have added the following code to a netburner board on my local lan, I checked the manual and it uses port 20034.

#include <AutoUpdate.h>
StartTcpUpdate( MAIN_PRIO - 3 ); //Use only if UDP update fails

I downloaded to the board using Autoupdate. When I now try to update the board using TCPUpdate i get a connection error dialog box and it fails,autoupdate stills works fine.

Should the TCPUpdate utility work on the local lan OK.

Thanks, Bill
Posts: 445
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Re: Updating netburner accross the internet

Post by seulater »

I just tried this on my board using both update programs.
I was able to use the standard autoupdate and TCPupdate on my local lan.
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Re: Updating netburner accross the internet

Post by BillC »

Thanks for trying this and confirming it does work.

I think that I must have some sort of task priority clash as the board is behaving stangely since I added the StartTCPupdate code. I will investigate further later today.

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Re: Updating netburner accross the internet

Post by BillC »

OK, got my task priorities sorted out and the TCPUpdate is now working fine, thanks for your help.

One peculiarity I have noted on the SB700EX (my other projects have all been on a MOD 5270) is that with the watchdog enabled and the startup config set to stay in the monitor(not load application) is that the watchdog still times out whilst at the monitor prompt, this makes it extremly difficult to enter a command before it reboots again, I only manage to put it into setup (which stops it rebooting) abuot one out of every 20 trys.

Does anyone know if this is norrmal on the SB700EX.

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