Virtual comm port error sec_addConnectionToService

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Virtual comm port error sec_addConnectionToService

Post by Ranba790 »

I am using SBL2e module and trying to connect it using the Virtual comm port software
when trying to create the virtual comm port I am getting sec_addConnectionToService failed with error -50
PC is windows 10 64bit
I update the SBL2e to firmware 1.69 and still the same error
Tried both versions 2.3 and 2.4 of the virtual comm port software

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Re: Virtual comm port error sec_addConnectionToService

Post by TomNB »


You definitely need the latest version of the virtual comm port. The version of the SBL2e will not be an issue.
When the virtual comm port s/w is installed, it attempts to create and run a service. You can take a look in your task manager to see if it is running. If the install failed for reasons such as windows permissions, or anti-virus s/w, then the virtual comm port cannot be created and you will get that error.
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