Accepting Ethernet Connections
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:28 pm
The accept() function is a blocking function. Is there a non-blocking function I can use to accept an ethernet connection?
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void TcpServerTask(void * pd)
int ListenPort = (int) pd;
// Set up the listening TCP socket
int fdListen = listen(INADDR_ANY, ListenPort, 5);
if (fdListen > 0)
IPADDR client_addr;
WORD port;
// The accept() function will block until a TCP client requests
// a connection. Once a client connection is accepting, the
// file descriptor fdnet is used to read/write to it.
iprintf( "Wainting for connection on port %d...\n", ListenPort );
int fdnet = accept(fdListen, &client_addr, &port, 0);
iprintf("Connected to: "); ShowIP(client_addr);
iprintf(":%d\n", port);
writestring(fdnet, "Welcome to the NetBurner TCP Server\r\n");
char s[20];
IPtoString(EthernetIP, s);
siprintf(RXBuffer, "You are connected to IP Address %s, port %d\r\n",
writestring(fdnet, RXBuffer);
while (fdnet > 0)
/* Loop while connection is valid. The read() function will return
0 or a negative number if the client closes the connection, so we
test the return value in the loop. Note: you can also use
ReadWithTimout() in place of read to enable the connection to
terminate after a period of inactivity.
int n = 0;
do {
n = read( fdnet, RXBuffer, RX_BUFSIZE );
RXBuffer[n] = '\0';
iprintf( "Read %d bytes: %s\n", n, RXBuffer );
} while ( n > 0 );
// Don't foreget to close !
iprintf("Closing client connection: ");
iprintf(":%d\n", port);
fdnet = 0;
} // while(1)
} // while listen