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Help Needed: External Byte Read Mod5282

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:30 am
by rmigliac
Another Newbie here. I have a Mod5282 development board and am having trouble with running a simple routine to read in an external byte off the bus using the example I downloaded off the yahoo group. I am monitoring the OE and CS1 signals on an oscilloscope and do not see any transitions at all. However, when calling the putdisp() function, I clearly see CS3 being toggled. My goal is to interface to the AD7631 18 bit ADC in its parallel output mode . But first I'll take baby steps. I do not have any external hardware attached, I'm just monitoring the pins on J1. Any idea's why I'm not seeing the transitions?

A slightly modified version of the original BusRW82 file is attached


Re: Help Needed: External Byte Read Mod5282

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:19 pm
by rmigliac
Update: I sent this question to support. Paul replied that "the problem is probably related to the Base address. 0x02800000 is right on the border of the SDRAM and the SDRAM controller is probably stealing that transaction.
Change your base address to say 0xC0000000 and see if that resolves it."

And it did. Now seeing CS1 and OE transitions.