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Wifi - Ethernet routing

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 4:01 am
by zealott
SB800EX with Ethernet and Wifi, any hints on how to bridge the two so that external devices on both ends can ping each other?
Setup: (I am using WifiAP example)
SB800EX Ethernet port is
SB800EX Wifi is set to
External Unit 1 (PC) is connected to ethernet port and configured as
External Unit 2 (PC) is connected to wifi and configured as
I am trying to get unit 1 and unit 2 to ping each other, which does not work

Any hints?

Re: Wifi - Ethernet routing

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:15 am
by pbreed
The Netburner is not a Wifi router.
The external devices are not going to be able to see each other through the NetBurner.

The MOD54417 parts with dual ethernet have a mode where you can tun on a simple ethernet switch and they will route between the two ethernet ports, but even that part will not route between wifi and ethernet....

Re: Wifi - Ethernet routing

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:56 am
by sulliwk06
If you really wanted to, you could write a program to act as port forwarder. Catch incoming connections on the ports you want, open new connections on the other interface and then pass the data between the 2 connections.

Re: Wifi - Ethernet routing

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:46 pm
by pbreed
Exactly what are you trying to accomplish, one could do some port forwarding if your routing needs are simple..

Re: Wifi - Ethernet routing

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:20 am
by zealott
It's a simple thing I want to achieve (perhaps not as simple in reality, but sulliwk06's idea could be done).

Basically I have a MODM7AE70-based unit on the SB800EX wired network, and a PC on the SB800EX wifi network. I want to access the M7's webpage from the PC.

Re: Wifi - Ethernet routing

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 1:56 pm
by pbreed
You should be able to access the M7's web page from BOTH The wifi network and the ethernet network.

>SB800EX Ethernet port is
>SB800EX Wifi is set to

From the wifi network you should be able to access the web page and or ping address
From the ethernet network you should be able to access the web page and or ping address

Don't understand why you wan the PC's on one network to ping the other network if you just want access to the NetBurner modules web page...
I'm confused about what you are trying to do?

Re: Wifi - Ethernet routing

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:42 pm
by zealott
Ok, explanation retry:
On one end I have a MODM7 ( connected to the SB800EX wired (
On the other end i have a PC ( and the same SB800EX (wifi,
I want to access the webpage of the MODM7 (30.2) from the PC on the wifi network (30.101).

I am unable to do this now, should this work "automatically" or do I need to do some fancy things?

I am not using the stock firmware, but the Wifi with DHCP example so my PC connects fine to the SB800EX' wifi and I can ping both the wifi ip of the 800 and the wired address (30.1 and 30.100), but not the M7 on the other end (30.2)