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Added include paths vanish after setting Netburner options

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:58 pm
by mrchadwickusa
Hi All,

I haven't found any reference to this on the forums, and it is looking like a bug, more than anything I'm doing wrong, or maybe I misunderstand something.

I'm using Rel23_rc3 as an plug in to the Eclipse SDK, although it behaves the same using the stock Netburner Eclipse as well.

I am attempting to set additional include paths in the project settings under C/C++ Build: Settings: Directories using the Add button. When I do this, using the browse to the workspace and add an include directory (for htmlvar.h) the directory appears in the list, and if I hit apply the project will re-compile and include those directories. If I hit OK, still no problem and the directory shows up under includes in the project explorer.

The problem comes up when I go to project properties: Netburner Option: "Reload selected platform's properties file". If I check that box, and hit apply or OK, the previously added include directories disappear. It is as if the project settings revert or get set to some default values. This happens if I check the box immediately after setting the directories, or if I set the directories, close Eclipse and re-open then check the box or if I manually edit the .cproject file to add those directories, then open Eclipse and check the box.

What am I doing wrong, or is this a bug or an expected behavior?

I'm checking the box because I'm switching a project back and forth between a PK70 and MOD5270 and occasionally seem to goff the MOD5270 making it think it is a PK70, which causes the Autoupdate to fail.

Re-compiling with the "Reload selected platform's properties file" check box checked and using the monitor to flash the app then seems to set it straight. For what it's worth, the check box doesn't stick either. When I go back into the properties it is always un-checked.

Any clues, anybody?

Mike Chadwick

Re: Added include paths vanish after setting Netburner options

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:11 am
by Forrest

Two things to point out.

First, the reload selected platform properties file will reset all values in the specified fields. If you have an include folder that you always use, feel free to put it into the platform properties file. This file is located in c:\nburn\<platform\

Second, the problem with NBEclipse losing platform information when switching between two projects is a bug. The good news is that it is fixed, and the new release is being uploaded to the server. Watch the Get Latest Tools page for NNDK2.3 RC7 later today.