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MCF541X_RTCSetTime( struct tm &bts ) problem

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:50 pm
by montambaultp
I use the MOD54415 and test the RTC onboard. On myPost function from my WebHandler I extract the data like this: (sorry my variable is in french)

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else if(httpstricmp( rxBuffer, "POST /FORMDATETIME" ))
		char AnneeInput[5];
		char MoisInput[3];
		char JourInput[3];
		char HeureInput[3];
		char MinuteInput[3];

		ExtractPostData( "Annee", pData, AnneeInput, MAX_BUF_LEN );
		ExtractPostData( "Mois", pData, MoisInput, MAX_BUF_LEN );
		ExtractPostData( "Jour", pData, JourInput, MAX_BUF_LEN );
		ExtractPostData( "Heure", pData, HeureInput, MAX_BUF_LEN );
		ExtractPostData( "Minute", pData, MinuteInput, MAX_BUF_LEN );

		iprintf("Date et heure dopost: %s %s %s %s %s",AnneeInput,MoisInput,JourInput,HeureInput,MinuteInput);

My function SetSystemDateTime is :

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void WebServerHandler::SetSystemDateTime(char *AnneeInput, char *MoisInput,char *JourInput,char *HeureInput,char *MinuteInput)

	tm InputDateTime;
	InputDateTime.tm_year = atoi(AnneeInput);
	//InputDateTime.tm_year = InputDateTime.tm_year - 2112;
	InputDateTime.tm_mon = atoi(MoisInput) - 1;
	InputDateTime.tm_mday = atoi(JourInput);
	InputDateTime.tm_hour = atoi(HeureInput);
	InputDateTime.tm_min = atoi(MinuteInput);
	InputDateTime.tm_sec = 0;

	//RTCSetTime( InputDateTime);
	MCF541X_RTCSetTime( InputDateTime);

	tm SettingRTC;


	  char buffer [80];

	  strftime (buffer,80,"Now it's %F:%R.",&SettingRTC);

	iprintf("Date Time from RTC: %s", buffer );

For set the year to 2013, I write -143 in the year field on my web page. If I use the RTC from the developpement board I don't have this problem I write 2013 in the year field and the date is set correctly.

If I see the RTC section from the reference manuel MCF5441x the register to store the year is 8 bits (signed Byte) and is an offset to the 2112. So 2112 - 2013 = 99 (0x9D) I should write -99 to this field to obtain the 2013... no i need to write -143.

Another problem when I send to stdout from my run function the RTC pass from 31 december to 00 december ?!!?
Date Time from RTC: Now it's 2013-12-31:23:59:58.
Date Time from RTC: Now it's 2013-12-31:23:59:59.
Date Time from RTC: Now it's 2013-12-00:00:00:00.
My run function look like this:

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void DoorController::Run()

   tm SettingRTC;
   char buffer [80];
    while (1)

    	MCF541X_RTCGetTime( SettingRTC );

    	SettingRTC.tm_year = SettingRTC.tm_year;

    	strftime (buffer,80,"Now it's %F:%T.",&SettingRTC);

    	iprintf("Date Time from RTC: %s\r\n", buffer );

I wait for yours comments about this RTC.

Re: MCF541X_RTCSetTime( struct tm &bts ) problem

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:37 am
by rnixon
In your comments you say "2112-2013 = 99 (0x9D)", but that is not correct. 99 dec = 0x63. Could that contribute to the problem?