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More Flash for MOD5270....anyone else need or want???

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:08 am
by mmk-tsm
Hello All,
The company I work for uses MOD5270's.
Our application software has used up practically all of the available Flash memory. We need more for other functionality. Netburner are reluctant to upgrade except custom units. We use or will be using ~500 units this year.
Are there any other MOD5270 users out there who also want more FLash?
If so please reply with current annual usage - maybe if enough of us want, we can persuade Netburner to upgrade.

Anyone know what is involved? Is it just a new compatible flash chip or is it more complicated than that?

Re: More Flash for MOD5270....anyone else need or want???

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:46 am
by pbreed
The MOD5234 has more flash and should be code compatible....


Re: More Flash for MOD5270....anyone else need or want???

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:36 am
by mmk-tsm
this module, MOD5270 which we are using is in full production. I need it to be 100% compatible, drop in replacement. Not just code, pin, function, the whole lot.
Can you please give me list of differences between 5270 and 5234.
What is involved in adding a bigger flash chip to MOD5270? You gave us more RAM, can we have more Flash please. Have you seen the specs for the Beagleboard Black :shock:

Re: More Flash for MOD5270....anyone else need or want???

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:16 am
by pbreed
What features of the MOD5270 are you using?

IE What I/O etc....

The Data bus?

Which GPIO pns exactly.....

Do you have any user written interrupts?

and I can give you and Idea of how compatible the MOD5270 and MOD5234 (or MOD54415) are.

We have looked at the beagle Bone Black.... they are selling the board at a loss below their production cost to buy market share... one wonders how long that will last,
TI has deep pockets so it could last a very long time, its an interesting part...

Re: More Flash for MOD5270....anyone else need or want???

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:44 am
by rnixon

Have you seen the warning about using the beagleboard? I'm surprised you would consider that for your commercial product. From their wiki page:

"You may use the Beaglebone Black as you choose. However, we do not support the use of the board in commercial products.The reasons for this are very simple.

We did not design the board for use in your product. We cannot therefore guarantee that it will work in all cases and over the full range of operation you expect.

We have had instances where people have done this and returned 25% of their purchases saying they would not work. Either the boards worked perfectly once received, or they had been blown up.
This adds to our costs and puts a burden on our RMA operation. It also takes away from our production capacity. We do not want to see our distributors run out of boards because someone is buying up the inventory."

The 5270 and 5234 are nearly identical. Why can't you compare the two data sheets for the signals you use and see if they are the same? There is no way for us to know what you use and provide a comparison for you. If the h/w signals you use are the same, you should be able to rebuild you code and off you go with 4x the flash space.

Re: More Flash for MOD5270....anyone else need or want???

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 8:36 am
by mmk-tsm
I wasnt suggesting moving to the BBB.
Just point out that Flash is cheap or must be, and also how memory is required.
Please add a bigger flash chip to MOD5270,
At very least tell me what chip you currently use, and I will see what might be involved since you seem so reluctant to do so yourselves.

Michael. :?

Re: More Flash for MOD5270....anyone else need or want???

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 9:07 am
by rnixon
Michael, I certainly didn't mean any harm, was just asking a question. The 5234 seems an easier path. What signals do you use that are not compatible?