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Checksum fail

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:03 pm
by henry_PIE
Hello again,

This time I think I did something very stupid. The mod54415 is not booting to user application, it says there is Cheksum fail, I understand that if so, it wont jump to application code and will remain or switch to the alternate monitor.

While in the monitor prompt, I tried to download the simplest of the programs with the FLA command but still got the same result: "checksum fail".

I had a program running alright, then I decided to create a char array and made cp[4000] = NULL in an attemp to "empty" the array --- I just wanted to make cp[0] = '\0' , although I figure that out too late.

So, I am not sure what exactly went wrong, after trying to boot the modified program with the cp[4000]= NULL thing, it just broke down and doesnt want to boot anymore.

Is there a method to fix the memory (I think I have overwritten some important system values) from the Boot Monitor?

Please, any help would work,
Thanks in advance.

Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:47 pm
by seulater
I do not know if the new MOD5441x suffers from a similar even the rest do. Have you tried powering the kit down then back up to gain serial access ?

Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:49 pm
by rnixon
The alternate monitor is there so you can recover things like this. If the alternate does not work, there is a lower level boot monitor as well, I'm not sure where the docs are, but you short two pins and boot the device. It should not be possible to brick this type of device. If you can't figure it out I would check with your support account.

Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:48 pm
by pbreed
Unlike the other products the alternate monitor should support autoupdate and network based updates.
No need to ever go to serial with the MOD54XX or NANAO....


Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:49 am
by henry_PIE
I am pretty sure I tried using Autoupdate to upload another program (one that I know works), but it wouldnt work, actually it the progress bar wouldnt ever show progress.
I will try again later and write back the results,


BTW, are there any docs about the Boot and alternate monitors?

Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:12 am
by dciliske
Documentation for entering the alternate monitor is located in the Quick Start Guide distributed after November 26, 2012. The process is to simply power on/reboot the device with the 'TP1' jumper (located near the ethernet jack) shorted. As for documentation on using them, I don't believe we have that. If you enter the command 'help' in the monitor it will give you the list of commands and their brief description.

Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:55 pm
by henry_PIE
Ok, I tried the alternate monitor by shorting the tp1 jumper; while in the alternate monitor, which perfectly runs, I tried to use the Autoupdate tool. I can use IPsetup to set the net parameters of the module and it also works ok. However, I am not able to upload any program using the Autoupdate tool, it returns an error due to time out ("Programming Failed with timeout").

Again, I tried downloading a program using the monitor using the FLA command. After the transfer is complete, the monitor writes ¨cheksum fail¨, and everytime I reboot the module it will show the checksum fail print and run the alternate monitor.

I attached two pictures of the prints from the task monitor, after the help and then the setup commands. In the monitor_help you can see the check sum failed print I am talking about.

I really need some insights on this issue please, since I am not able to test any program.


Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:17 am
by pbreed
Several questions...

what are you trying to load?

you should be loading the xxxxx_app.s19
not the xxxx.s19.

If you try and load the bare s19 you will get the results you indicate.

Also is this plugged into one of our dev obards, or your own custom hardware?

If its plugged into your own custom hardware you may be clobbering the data bus lines used to read the flash.

Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:10 am
by henry_PIE
I used the XXX_app.s19
I am working with dev70 board included in the MOD54415 LC Development Kit.

Re: Checksum fail

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:08 am
by pbreed
From the alternate monitor can you change the
settings, ie the ipaddress or soemthign like that, and when you do change the settings
does it remember the change across a power cycle?
