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New NetBurner website - sweet!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:13 pm
by greengene
Nice job!

Re: New NetBurner website - sweet!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:10 pm
by roland.ames
Except every time the headline changes every 4 seconds, the whole page jumps up and then down again, I'm getting seasick watching it.

Where is the link to the technical documents page? I could only find it by going via technical support FAQ which is the page in the wiki, then following the link to the question about the documents (Where is the NNDK hardware and software documentation), then following the link to technical documents, which took me to the OLD page, which now has broken links on it.

I see links to documents on individual product pages, if I can click on them in between them jumping up and down, they don't open the document in the browser, you have to download.

But at least they seem to be the up to date version of the documents.

even doesn't work !

IMHO a step backwards for netburner

Re: New NetBurner website - sweet!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:25 pm
by roland.ames
I take that back about the documents being up to date.

uCOSLibrary.pdf is older than the one I got with Rel24_rc2.

NetBurnerRuntimeLibraries.pdf was the latest version maybe because I asked about it in ... f=5&t=1475

Re: New NetBurner website - sweet!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:52 am
by dciliske

Apologies on the out of date documents. You are correct that the runtime docs were the latest since you pointed that out.

I've already done so for the out of date uCOS and Security docs, and I am currently checking the other documentation that is included with the dev kit.

Re: New NetBurner website - sweet!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:51 am
by ecasey
You might also want to put the EOL warning back on the Wifi page.

Re: New NetBurner website - sweet!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:25 am
by pbreed
What browser and browser version has the jumpy problem?

On IE and Chrome and my Android phone the website is really smooth, no jumping...

Re: New NetBurner website - sweet!

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:53 pm
by roland.ames
Sorry for the delay in replying, I am in Western Australia, so when you guys are starting your day, it is already beer o'clock for me.

Also sorry if my post seemed hyper-critical, I guess my expectations were high!

I am using Chrome:
Version 23.0.1271.64 m
Google Chrome is up to date.
on Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3

When I checked the site today, the jumping is not happening, but that seems to be because there is only one headline. The jumping was due to the headline changing: the headline text would disappear causing everything below it on the page to move up, then the new headline text would appear causing everything below it on the page to move down again. This was happening every 4 seconds as the headlines automatically cycled around, or if I manually forced the headline to cycle to the next / previous headline.
Today, there is no cycling, automatic or manual, as if there is only one headline.

On documentation: up to date docs would be appreciated, also some indication of which version is available so I can determine whether it is later than the one I already have.
BTW, in general I rely more on looking at the library source than the docs, as I find the docs are not complete or detailed enough. I asked for updated docs of the run-time library because I wanted to get some idea of what has been added, to determine whether it is worth me upgrading to a later version of NNDK.

Roland Ames.

Re: New NetBurner website - sweet!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:13 am
by dciliske
That is a relevant reason to look at the documentation. I'll look into seeing if the documentation list can show when the particular version was updated/uploaded.

As for the jumping issue, there have been some latent issues relating to Webkit based browsers (notably Chrome and Safari) that have cropped up when trying to push the site into production. Hopefully there won't be further issues.
