Port 80 (HTTP) Connection Timeout
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:30 am
I am trying to connect to a device on port 80 (HTTP) using TCP from the NetBurner MOD5234. However, I have used a timeout of up to 2 seconds and I keep getting a timeout. The code is as follows:
It's fairly straightforward. This code works for port 23 on another device, but it doesn't work for port 80. I simply wish to issue some "GET" commands on port 80 using the Netburner.
Code: Select all
dbprintf("Connecting to %s @ %d...",m_ipAddress, 80);
m_fd = connect(AsciiToIp(m_ipAddress),0,80,TICKS_PER_SECOND*2);
if( m_fd < 0)
dbprintf("Connection Failed (%d)\r\n",m_fd);
//m_fd = 0;
cmdReady = true;