Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by khoney »

After hours of playing around with my two dead Nano boards, I was able to successfully reflash them and they are running the app properly. HOWEVER...

If I do a reset and hit Shift-A, they still boot to the alternate monitor, and they are back to rebooting after a few seconds even though Setup shows that the watchdog is disabled. Can someone from Netburner PLEASE explain why this happens?
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by rnixon »

I don't think your getting an answer because there is no obvious reason. I looked at your posts again and see this:

"OK, I figured out the problem, but I'm really scratching my head over the implementation of the boot monitor.
I remembered that my application enables the watchdog in the user config record whenever the static network addresses are changed and stored to flash (which will always be done at least once during initial setup). I went and changed the code to disable the watchdog, wrote new IP addresses, and did a cold boot, and now I stay in the alternate boot monitor."

Does this mean you application writes to the config record? It seems like it does. So maybe you wrote things in a way that has created a problem.

Also, have you tried running in the netburner dev board? You reset descriptions sounds like you are running in your h/w.

I just ran a test on my nano. Using the nano watchdog example I can enable the watchdog. A power cycle clears the watchdog function. Looking in the manual the watchdog is always disabled in the processor after a power cycle. It needs to be enabled every time. Enabling the watchdog in the monitor does not work. I could only enable it using the application example. The monitor enable/disable was non-functional.

So it may be that this is not a watchdog issue at all. Maybe power or some other interference going on with your custom h/w? You need to eliminate those possibilities.

Were you able to enable the watchdog with the monitor option, or only from your app? If from your app can you post that code snippet.

To me this does not seem to be a watchdog issue. It is disabled unless some code is specifically turning it on, and the monitor setup says it is disabled (and doesn't seem to do anything even if it is enabled).
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by rnixon »

Looking at my 5270 platform, I think the reason for this is that all other coldfire's enable the watchdog after a power cycle, but the 54415 does the opposite.
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by Forrest »


I think there is some confusion here, and I hope I can clarify it for you. You keep stating that your watchdog is enabled and the monitor is not disabling the watchdog. This is true, the monitor will not disable the watchdog. There is a chance during bootup that a module connected via serial to another device could send an errant "A" during the boot process of the NetBurner module. This would enter the monitor. In this case, the module is not in the correct state, and you would want the watchdog to trigger.

Under your scenario, the best way to clear the watchdog timer is not through monitor software. If you do a full power cycle, which means depowering the device completely, on next boot, the watchdog will be disabled. It always boots in a disabled state. On the very first boot after a power cycle, enter the monitor before your application starts, and load a new application that does not enable the watchdog.

NetBurner, Inc

khoney wrote:After hours of playing around with my two dead Nano boards, I was able to successfully reflash them and they are running the app properly. HOWEVER...

If I do a reset and hit Shift-A, they still boot to the alternate monitor, and they are back to rebooting after a few seconds even though Setup shows that the watchdog is disabled. Can someone from Netburner PLEASE explain why this happens?
Forrest Stanley
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by khoney »

Forrest wrote:Hello,

You keep stating that your watchdog is enabled and the monitor is not disabling the watchdog. This is true, the monitor will not disable the watchdog. There is a chance during bootup that a module connected via serial to another device could send an errant "A" during the boot process of the NetBurner module. This would enter the monitor. In this case, the module is not in the correct state, and you would want the watchdog to trigger.

I'm still a bit confused about the boot monitor. Is it a true statement that neither boot monitor (main or alternate) will do anything on its own to change the state of the watchdog, i.e. if I have not enabled it in my app, there is nothing else that will enable it? Right now, it is disabled in my app.

Is rnixon correct in that the watchdog cannot be enabled for the Nano using the boot monitor's setup menu? There's another thread on this forum that talks about how you can directly write to the config record in your app to set the watchdog enabled state if you don't want to use the boot monitor to enable it. I gleaned from that thread that the watchdog setting in the boot monitor set or cleared the flag in the config record.
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by rnixon »

Can you provide a link to the watchdog being enabled in the config rec thread you are referring to?
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by khoney »

Sorry rnixon, I've been occupied with other matters lately.

Larry mentioned programming the config record in this post:

http://forum.embeddedethernet.com/viewt ... hdog#p1246
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by cwm »

I am using the MOD54417. I bricked the device, but now I am getting communication out of the serial port and I can communicate with the device through MTTTY. Even though I think I've uploaded a compatible program, the device is refusing to transmit over ethernet when it is not in the alternate boot monitor (the link/activity and speed LEDs won't come on). In the alternate boot monitor, the LEDs come on and I can run IPSetup and view both of the IP addresses that the device has.

I have used the "FLA" command and uploaded C:\nburn\MOD5441X\original\ModFactoryApp_APP.s19. On a normal start up I can see in MTTTY that the board is running the "MOD54415 Factory Demo Program v1.0" so I am assuming that the FLA command worked and the program has been uploaded correctly. I have also tried multiple IP addresses, which I have set in the alternate boot monitor, and the normal application, and I have the subnet Mask set to I have tried plugging in the ethernet into my computer and on the network, both of which are recognized in the alternate boot monitor, but won't transmit in the normal application. I feel like I have done everything that the NetworkDebug.pdfNetworkDebug.pdf has said to do but I can't make the ethernet communication wake up.

Is my board dead? Is there something else I can try?


I just uploaded the MOD54417-Multi-Intf_APP.s19 found on this forum page and the device is now talking over the network.
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by pbreed »

Basic issue is that once turned on I don't believe it can be turned off without a power cycle.
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Re: Did you 'brick' your MOD5441X or NANO54415? Look here...

Post by TomNB »

Adding MOD54417 jumper location image
MOD54417-Jumper2.jpg (212.38 KiB) Viewed 11942 times
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