Well after much gnashing of teeth and clean installs across several PC's I think I've uncovered what's happening.
First, off topic, there's a problem on some NNDK installs with the rebuild system files heading in eclipse not picking up the right make file. Its not obvious, or at least I couldn't find, which environment path the selection uses. I was forced to rebuild the system files from a command prompt which is awkward. The issue was addressed in this thread on the forum but was never addressed by anyone from Netburner.
http://forum.embeddedethernet.com/viewt ... p?f=5&t=55
If you uncomment these two lines
#define UCOS_TASKLIST (1)
from predef.h, any application, even a simple one created using the new projects wizard will crash on a MOD5234. I've tried this on three PC's now and its consistent.
My main project now runs providing of course I remove calls to the stack and task functions. This only applies to Rel22_rc2. I've used these functions on every previous nndk release without incident.
I haven't figured out yet whether its both of these defines that are responsible or just one but I'll try that next.
Can anyone else confirm this behavior?