Port 80 (HTTP) Connection Timeout

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Port 80 (HTTP) Connection Timeout

Post by BMillikan »

I am trying to connect to a device on port 80 (HTTP) using TCP from the NetBurner MOD5234. However, I have used a timeout of up to 2 seconds and I keep getting a timeout. The code is as follows:

Code: Select all

	dbprintf("Connecting to %s @ %d...",m_ipAddress, 80);
	m_fd = connect(AsciiToIp(m_ipAddress),0,80,TICKS_PER_SECOND*2);
	if( m_fd < 0)
	   dbprintf("Connection Failed (%d)\r\n",m_fd);
	   //m_fd = 0;
		cmdReady = true;
It's fairly straightforward. This code works for port 23 on another device, but it doesn't work for port 80. I simply wish to issue some "GET" commands on port 80 using the Netburner.

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Re: Port 80 (HTTP) Connection Timeout

Post by rnixon »

Sounds like a job for.......wireshark. Or, you could try connecting through a telnet session just to make sure its possible.
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Re: Port 80 (HTTP) Connection Timeout

Post by tod »

A little more detail would help us give you a better answer. Is the "device" a PC? Is the device under your control? Since you can reach port 23 the device is reachable, but can you verify that port 80 is open and responding on the device. Is the device on your LAN or are you trying to reach it over the internet? Is there anything between you and the target acting as a firewall? Have you used your PC to do the same thing and it's just the NetBurner that can't reach port 80? Etc.
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