Yes, I tried the shorting jumper. It didn't help. I have two modules in this state. Both are new. The serial output of the first one is what I put in my first post. Shorting jumper TP1 during bootup produces the same messages as above. It doesn't appear that the Alternate Boot Monitor is started.
The second module has a higher rev monitor so its output is a little different. On bootup with TP1 shorted the output is:
The other issue could be if something is interfering with the address or data bus. Are these plugged into your own h/w? If so, does any other module work in the same h/w?
The purpose of the recovery jumper is to put you in the Alternate Monitor as you have in your last post. Are you saying you cannot interact with the Alternate Monitor?
The modules are plugged into our hardware. Tens of modules are programmed in these test fixtures each week. It's only these two modules that won't program. It is rare that modules fail to program.
In one module it appears that the Alternate Monitor is not entered, based on the terminal output. The other module specifically says Alternate Boot Monitor. I can interact with the monitor program of both modules. It just hasn't corrected the issue so far.
Thanks for the information. The recovery jumper boots the device to the alternate monitor, which uses defaults such as DHCP. It does not support AutoIP.
Once in the alternate monitor, you would need a PC and the MOD54417 to be on a network with a DHCP server so the MOD54417 can get IP settings, then you can download your app over the network. This is important, you cannot use a direct connection from pc to MOD54417 unless you set static settings through the serial monitor.
Alternatively, you can do a serial download using the FLA command regardless of the network settings of your app.
If you have tried this and it does not work the units should be sent back for analysis and we will reset or replace.
Throughout this thread its not clear to me if a download was tried to the alt monitor with DHPC or correct statis IP settings. Can you please confirm?
Yes, we used the Alternate Boot Monitor to successfully download MOD5441x_FactoryApp_APP.s19 to both modules using the FLA command with MTTTY serial terminal. But the app never ran. The same error messages I put in my previous posts were issued.
Neither module was able to get an IP Address when plugged into our DHCP network, which is why we had to use the serial port.
It acts like something is driving the address or data bus. But if they are new units and your sure it's not your h/w, then the next step would be to RMA them. Just to confirm, these are new units out of the package?