locate alt boot monitor IP address

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locate alt boot monitor IP address

Post by RebootExpert »

I am using a Nano module and 3.3.9. If my app crash due to whatever reason, it will boot to alt boot monitor. I understand that you can use serial or autoupdate to locate the ip address and recover the app.

However my customer may not use serial interface nor any PC utilities, they will mainly rely on their modem and ethernet interface to communicate with the NANO. the problem is when my customer config my app to a static IP that they want. and the alt boot monitor will set to before ship to my customer, and then for whatever reason my app crash, it boot to the monitor app and getting the IP from DHCP server, and the IP won't be the same as the static IP they set. So my customer will be blind when they try to recover the app.

Perhaps I should ask if there's a way or API to config the boot monitor app from my app, so when my customer set the IP of my app, it also set the IP to the boot monitor app. so the two app IP will be in sync.
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Re: locate alt boot monitor IP address

Post by TomNB »


I've asked engineering to verify, but if you uncomment //#define SUPPORT_LEGACY_IPSETUP (1) in predef.h it may set the alt mon ip address when you change the ip address in the 3.x configuration.
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Re: locate alt boot monitor IP address

Post by RebootExpert »

I've test it out, the alt boot monitor ip won't change.
Here's what I did:
1) using serial port and Mttty set the boot monitor ip to
2) uncommnet the //#define SUPPORT_LEGACY_IPSETUP (1), and clean and rebuild system libraries
3) rebuild app and load into NANO, and config the ip to static.(confirm communication via the static ip)
4) reboot module, type 'A' in Mttty to abort and boot to alt monitor.
5) ip address on the setup menu still show as which is not match with the static ip I've set in my app.
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Re: locate alt boot monitor IP address

Post by TomNB »


You are correct, that will not do what you are asking. My apologies, I was told it might, but engineering has verified it will not. There is an effort in the works to update the monitor so that it will first look in the 3.x config section, and if values are found, it will use that instead of the 2.x config record. I think that would solve the problem you describe. I don't have a hard date on that; I would guess not less than 2 weeks, but I'm not in charge of that project.

With the Legacy feature enabled you can use IPSetup to set the static IP in the monitor to match what was entered in the 3.x static IP, but that isn't a very elegant solution.
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Re: locate alt boot monitor IP address

Post by RebootExpert »

Thanks Tom. once the new version of monitor app roll out, how do I do the update? Is there a utility to do the job or do I need to do a RMA for update?
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Re: locate alt boot monitor IP address

Post by TomNB »

There is a utility to do it that we can send you.
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Re: locate alt boot monitor IP address

Post by RebootExpert »

Great keep me post. I will submit a ticket for the new version and utility.
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